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A Little SPOT of Friendship Book and Toys Set


Diane Alber

$55.99 Regular price $68.99


This box set includes 6 cute and huggable friends plus a plush wheelchair that can be used with any of the dolls. It also includes the book A Little SPOT Makes Friends. This set was developed to help children role-play making friends and solving conflict. These friendship buddies have been featured in several little SPOT books and are a great addition to the Little SPOT family!

 A Little SPOT series was developed to help children learn how to manage their emotions, valuable life skills, and hard-to-explain topics. These books have fun, colorful illustrations with easy-to-identify characters for young readers, yet are entertaining and informative for adults, too!

A Little SPOT book series is geared toward children ages 4-10. They are great for early readers and elementary school students. These books are also excellent resources for counselors, parents, caregivers, and teachers.


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Ellen Thomas

A Little SPOT of Friendship Book and Toys Set

Kelli McDonald

A Little SPOT of Friendship Book and Toys Set

Bobbie Jo Deuel-Lewis

A Little SPOT of Friendship Book and Toys Set

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